Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Blog 4 advice

Hey, I'm Grant and I'm a teacher that has to teach a man how to be a man before he dies. I struggle to figure out why his Godmother wanted me to do this, it's already for me to be a man myself . When I start to visit him he acts more like a hog every day just like the court said he was I guess since they called him a hug he wants to start acting like one he eats like a hog and sound like the hog. How am I supposed to teach him to be a man if he asked like a hog. Can someone help me and give me advice what I should I do?

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Blogger Assignment 3

  A Lesson Before Dying: Chapter 3 Questions.  
 1.How does Henri Pichots insistence that Jefferson "did it" redirect the plot narrative? Henri says simply that he recognized him in the wrong way. He also treats him like a slave. Later on at the end of the chapter Henri refuses anyone to see Jefferson.

  2. Miss Emma keeps saying that grant  "doesn't have to go" to visit Jefferson in prison. The narrator comments, "She was looking at me but not seeing me, and not meaning what she was saying,either." What is Grant implying by this, what does he does he think she means? Miss Emma and Tante Lou want Grant to go teach Jefferson so he can go as a man not a boy and show the court that he's not a hog.

 3.What does the back door of Henri Pinchot's plantation house symbolized to Grant and his aunt? Why does having to enter the plantations house though the back door rankle Grant? He doesn't what to be seen as a slave as he says " It was you who said you never want to go through the back door again."

 4. How does Miss Emma prevail on Henri Pichot to speak to the sheriff on her behalf? She basically tells the sheriff she wants him to go out as a man not as a boy also to let Henri teach him how to be a man and show everyone that he is not a hog.

Quotation Assignment
 "It was you that said you never wanted me to go through that back door ever again."
Chapter 3,page 17

Does the quotation relate to the theme? Yes, because in the theme he doesn't want to go through the back of the gate because it makes him feel like a slave, also not free.

  Does the quotation indicate a conflict? Yes, he doesn't want to be treated like a slave by going to the back door. It makes him feel like he is not free to do what he feels so he says he doesn't want to go to the back any more, never again.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Blogger Assignment 2

   I had a lot of things I wanted to do. When I was younger I wanted to be an actor but I changed my mind about that. Then for a long time I didn't know what I wanted to do or be. When I went to middle school I was listening to more rap music so I wanted to be a rapper.   I began to work more on rapping, but now I  just do it for fun, if I'm bored, or if something just pops up in my head. My high school year I was trying to focus on business.  I ended up changing my mind about a career in business.  Now I know what I want to be. It took me a awhile to figure it out and find out what I like to do or what I'm good at.

   I want to be  a Computer Engineer/ Software Developer. I want to be a Computer Engineer because I feel like I'm going to be good at it and enjoy doing it. I think I will be a great start to success. I'm going to accomplish this by doing really good in math because you need to be good in math to be a computer engineer. Go to college and major in this field or Software Developer.  I also plan on finding an internship in the field I will be majoring in.  Ways to avoid deferring it is to keep my mind on the prize, stay on track, keep my head right, and keep my grades right up.  Prepare to work hard and find an internship in my field.  This is how I plan to accomplish my dream.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Blog Post Assignment 1

   Hello my name is Faizon Bullock, I go to B.C Rain High School. I have have a lot of  hobbies like playing basketball, listening to music, playing video games and watching T.V. when I'm bored. This year I want to bring my grades up and also bring my GPA to a 3.5 or a 3.6. I would like to go to college. I do not know what college yet but I know I want  to major in Computer Engineering or a Software Developer. If I work hard enough I really want to be the C.E.O of Apple.

    On August 28, 1963 Martin Luther King Jr. made his "I Had a Dream," speech, which he spoke of  hope and putting an end to racism in the U.S. To have peace with every race.  That it was ok to have differences but be respectful in the midst.  Martin Luther King Jr. Day reminds people what he had to do to make America better. I think even today people think of him as a hero. I think that his dream has been  achieved.  He would be proud today to see the progress, however, we still have a fight to fight.  Even though there's still racism going on its not nearly as bad as it used to be. It is a lot better then how it was back then, people are very grateful for what he did and so am I. Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!